The Benefits of getting to know Our Parents Better!
Have you been in this situation or something similar?
Nathan and his parents are having dinner with friends. Then one colleague professed to Nathan's mom, "You'll never believe it! I saw Sean- the boy you dated in high school!."
Nathan drops his fork on the table. He's never anticipate that his friend Sean and his Mom has relationship before!
"Wow, Mom, you dated someone else before Dad? I had no idea!"
If you've been in similar situation, perhaps that made you wonder what else you didn't know about them!
What benefits could come from learning more about your parents? And how can you do so?
Consider FOUR benefits you'll likely gain:
1. Your parents will probably appreciate your interest.
- No doubt they'll be pleased that you care enough to ask about their life. And who knows,
they may even respond with greater empathy for you and your feelings!
2. You'll gain insight into your parent's point view.
- For example, did your mom had failed actions in the past? This might explain why she
is very watchful on you.
3. You may become more comfortable talking about your own life.
- Did your Dad told about the first time he fell in love and how great a feeling that was. And
even told you about the day he broke up with his girlfriend and how bad he felt? That will
surely encouraged you to tell him more about your situation.
4. You might learn something!
- Your parents' life experiences can help you deal with your own frustrations and challenges.
There must be some important lessons there.
Take the Initiative
If you like to get to know your parents better, how can you do so?
Ask you parents questions such as the following:
About Marriage:
Dad ( or Mam) How did you meet? What first attract you to each other?
About Childhood:
Where were you born? How well did you get along with your siblings? Were your parents strict or lenient with you?
About Education:
What was you favorite subject? What was you worst? Did you have a favorite teacher? What made that teacher so special?
About their Interest:
If you could visit any place in the world where would it be? What hobby or skill would you like to develop?
About Values:
What do you think are the mos important factors in a good friendships? in a happy life? a successful marriage? What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
Things to Remember:
1. Choose the right setting - aim for casual conversations.
2. Ask questions - your parents just might tell you such things if you ask!
3. Be flexible- often the answer to one question will lead to some other stories or topics.
4. Be discerning- before you ask your dad about the sort of embarrassing mistakes your
dad made when he was at your age, you might say, "Dad, do you mind if I ask
5. Be tactful- whatever you do, don't ridicule or insult your parents for what they've just shared.
Happiness- everybody wants it. But you will undoubtedly agree that desiring happiness and even pursuing it are not the same as experiencing it.
So whether you live at home or have moved away, it's never too late to get to know your parents!